

INTRODUCTION : The basic of plot of the film- "Se7en is a thrilling crime movie where two detectives hunt down a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins as inspiration for his murders. It's intense and keeps you on the edge of your seat!"
BODY : Diving into the greatest thriller ever made that shook my entire nervous system until the last second of the movie's duration . Se7en is a great epic thriller with gripping plot and cliche overcoming story line with absolute finest performances and cinematography. The movie Se7en is directed by the legend himself Sir. David Fincher who's brilliantly known for the film FIGHT CLUB.

SE7EN has left an indelible mark on the thriller genre, inspiring countless films and TV shows with its dark and gritty tone. It is widely regarded as one of the best crime thrillers of all time, praised for its  gripping storytelling, memorable acting performances and thought-provoking themes.

Why Se7en is my favourite film?
The cinematography in Se7en is absolutely stunning. The way the shots are composed and the use of lighting really adds to the dark and gritty atmosphere of the film. It's definitely a masterpiece in terms of filmmaking.

CONCLUSION:  There's nothing short of a revolutionary thriller ever made in a world cinema that will definitely educate every aspiring filmmaker to direct a Thriller Film like *SE7EN*. Even if it's the second film for Sir Fincher. He took his shoulders infront to deliver the best output in the history of thriller cinemas.

BIO: I'm AKILESH KATTOJU from CSIT branch,1st Year. My hobbies are Watching films and video editing.

I've also edited a video by appreciating the cinematography of Se7en. If you're free please check it out!!
Video edit

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