
Importance of hobbies and extracurricular activities

A hobby is an activity that is done for enjoyment and pleasure. Hobbies are usually done in one’s leisure time.
I still remember my school days when I had plenty of time to do things that I loved. Had a lot of fun doing crafts with newspapers, cardboard, recycling old clothes, and decorating my house was something I enjoyed wholeheartedly rather than solving sum, memorizing chemical equations, and learning Newton's laws of motion which I find a little bit boring. The pandemic helped me to find my hobby which is crafting. I feel each and every person in this world should find a hobby where while doing it they can remove all their stress and forget all their worries. It lightens our mood and most importantly gives us a lot of self-satisfaction.

The best way to cultivate a new hobby is to try out something new. The world is full of wonderful, exciting activities that we can explore and adopt. All of us are unique and our interests and hobbies vary but once we find a hobby that we truly enjoy and are passionate about, we become hooked it and it becomes our part of life.

Hobbies · English reading exercise (beginner level) | bitgab

An extracurricular activity is an activity that students perform beyond the school standard curriculum. Participating in these activities helps us to develop new skills and helps us to improve our existing skills. Extracurricular activities are a kind of learning method that includes observation, practice, and experience. They contribute to boosting one’s self-confidence and overall personal development. It is not necessary that it only include your hobbies. Anything that leads to enhancing our skills and building our mind muscles is known as extracurricular activities. Some examples of extracurricular activities are sports, music, yoga, meditation, and language learning. These activities give us the scope and spirit of healthy competition. They help to learn new things outside of one’s environment. These help us to be active and keep us updated.
Electives | Joyce Clark Middle School
source: google

 Hobbies and extracurricular activities help to be a good citizen by developing leadership qualities, teamwork, time management, problem-solving, creativity, and adaptability skills. These skills are valuable Hobbies and extracurricular activities even help us to be good citizens like developing leadership in both personal and professional contexts. People who engage themselves in hobbies and extracurricular activities and hobbies are less likely to experience stress, low mood, and depression.

Do you remember Rancho from the movie 3 Idiots? I bet there will be no one who has not yet watched this movie. In that, our favorite character Rancho helps his two best friends to become successful by following their passion. Gone are the days when only maths and science were
considered as the only career options for students and now there are many options to find a career according to our hobbies and interests.

Aamir Khan's 3 Idiots is most watched film in the US amid lockdown
Now hurry up, keep your work aside for some time, and spend some time doing whatever you like and are interested and never miss an opportunity to participate in competitions, quizzes etc.

With regards,
Panyam Nishitha.

About Me:
P.Nishitha, studying in 12th class at Ascent Junior College, Vizag.
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